Soil Engineer

Soil Engineer

Geotechnical Engineering is a crucial and growing field. As people expand into virgin areas or land that is not considered prime development, there are costs merely beyond the immediate financial. It is important for developers to examine whether an area of land is viable for development, whether there are conservation issues to mitigate, and what extra measures may be required to develop the land. Land with a higher water table, for example, may require different materials to mitigate damp. Geotechnical engineering is concerned with environmental geology and environmental soils.

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Soil Engineers work with soils and their relationships to other elements of the environment. Different soil types have different attributes and it is necessary to develop an understanding of the relative attributes and drawbacks of each type. That is why there is a need to fill a niche for professional Soils Engineering, and soils science. The need to create an area for specialists who understand soil conservation issues and soil properties is growing in line with international obligations on environmental protection and to ensure that prime land is chosen in a changing climate. They are a type of Soils Scientists with a view to practical application and applied science.

They work both in the field taking readings, and in offices analyzing data and compiling reports. Depending on where they work and the type of organization, they may produce data for statistics and research reports, or for decision makers working in the environmental area who need to make decisions on the best course of protection. They are essential as advisors in construction. Many are found in drilling and dam building and maintenance, taking soil samples to ensure no contamination or other problems.

Read: Water Conservationist

In Agriculture, Soil engineers, solve problems which relate to irrigation and drainage functions of agricultural land such as dams, irrigation ponds, pipelines and open channels.
Examples of our recent research themes are as follow:

  1. Disaster prevention for agricultural land and irrigation ponds,
  2. Earthquake resistant design of fill dams,
  3. Development of techniques for the reuse of muddy soil for the reconstruction of deteriorated earth fill dams
  4. Analysis of granular flow for geotechnical problems,
  5. Behavior of buried structures and the Dynamic behavior of buried flexible pipelines.

Are you a soil engineer and would like to partner with us, Contact us today!