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Category: Paw-paw
Dismantling The Thought That Fruit Farming Is for The Poor
Fruit farming has long been seen as a job for the poor, with the assumption that it is not a viable business. Unfortunately, this misconception has kept many people from recognizing the potential of fruit farming and the various benefits it offers. People need to understand that fruit farming also requires capital, whether you are
You asked for it & we have delivered. Papaya Malkia F1 variety currently available in stock. It is among the finest hybrid papaya varieties with lots of unique traits. Variety Traits; 1. Hermaphrodite variety-no male plants. 2. An early maturing dwarf variety.(matures 8 months after transplanting) 3. Has red fleshed and sweet fruits. 4. Fruit
Top 5 Profitable Fruits You Should Grow On Your Farm
Top 5 Profitable Fruits You Should Grow On Your Farm Fruit farming is an exciting way to keep busy while still making an income. With the rains here, this is the perfect time to grow the money trees. However, while agribusiness sounds tempting, you must also understand you need patience, and adopting proper management practices
Worried that your land is not big?
Sometimes, you might not have all the space you may need, but you need to grow something that will increase profits. The yields and market prices for your produce determine the success of your garden. For this reason, you need to grow high-yielding fruits that are easy to care for and fetch good prices in
How to Identify and manage Papaya diseases
Introduction English: Pawpaw; Swahili: papaya. Pawpaw is a widely cultivated fruit tree in the tropics and subtropics. General Benefits of Pawpaw Ripe papaya is a favorite breakfast and dessert fruit that is available year-round. It can be used to make fruit salads, refreshing drinks, jam, jelly, marmalade, candies and crystallized fruits. Green fruits are pickled
Pawpaw Farming in Kenya: How to choose the right variety for your area
Pawpaw farming is delicate, and it requires one to be sure of the best variety that does well in his/her area. There are different pawpaw crops grown today but we will only filter he few important ones in Kenya. • Honey dew pawpaw variety This variety originated in India where it is known as Madhu
Growing Pawpaw in Kenya: Everything you need to Know
The plants grow in three sexes: male, female and hermaphrodite. The male produces only pollen, never fruit. The female produces small, inedible fruits unless pollinated. The hermaphrodite can self-pollinate as its flowers contain both male stamens and female ovaries. The optimal temperature range for pawpaw in Kenya is between 25°C and 28°C, and production normally
Pawpaw Fruit Farming Guide Made Easy in Kenya
Paw paw fruit Farming in Kenya is done in tropical and subtropical climates and pawpaw plants do not tolerate freezing temperatures. Papayas fruits are delicious and grow throughout the year. These fruits are eaten alone or in salad without the skin. The papaws fruits are low in calories and high in potassium, vitamin A and
Papaya trees, also known as paw-paws, are fast-growing with a short life span, reaching 15 feet or higher in optimal conditions. Known as either Hawaiian or Mexican varieties, fruit “berries” can be ½ Kg and sweet (Hawaiian) or up to 4.5 Kgs and milder (Mexican). Red Maradol papayas come from Mexico and range from 2
The health benefits of papaya include better digestion, relief from toothache, improvement in the immune system and the promotion of better heart health. Papaya also known as paw paw, pawpaw or papaw is also believed to prevent cancer. Papaya, also known as Carica Papaya, is commercially famous for its high nutritive and medicinal value. Papaya Fruits like
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