DAIRY GOAT – Farm tour & training 10th November 2018

DAIRY GOAT – Farm tour & training 10th November 2018

Our November farm tour and training will focus on DAIRY GOAT FARMING as business in Kenya. The training will be held at Shamba Dairies – one of the leading and well managed dairy goat farm in Kenya.

The farm located in the heart of Kangema town is the home of 40lts of dairy goat milk per day, with the champion goat producing 5litres of milk per day – a feature many dairy goat farmers in Kenya dream off.

The farm has three breeds of goats namely Alpine, Toggenbergs and Saanens.

Shamba dairies is among the few farms in Kenya that completes the entire value chain, It has a small yoghurt processing unit fully dedicated to goats’ milk yoghurt production.

Feeding, which they mostly grow on the farm includes proteins such as desmodium, lucerne, calliandra, green leaves, which is constantly in their cages.

This tour and training offers those with an interest and new entrants to goat farming an opportunity to learn the success behind Shamba Dairies.


Read Also: How to make Silage for your Dairy Cows in Kenya


The event is organized by Farmers Trend in collaboration with Oxfarm Organic. We are dedicated in promoting agri-tourism in Kenya, showcasing the success of this modern farms that started from a humble background.


Contact us for details, bookings and any clarification
John Kiruthi: 0790-509684
David Gitonga: 0722-481838


See more details on the poster below



About Dairy goat farming :


