DAIRY GOAT – Farm tour & training 5th March 2022

DAIRY GOAT – Farm tour & training 5th March 2022

Our 2022 farm tours and training will start with shamba dairies in Muranga – one of the leading and well managed dairy goat farm in Kenya. On 5th March 2022 farm tour and training we will focus on DAIRY GOAT FARMING as business in Kenya.

The farm located in the heart of Kangema town is the home of 40lts of dairy goat milk per day, with the champion goat producing 5litres of milk per day – a feature many dairy goat farmers in Kenya dream off.

Here is the invite video from the owner of the farm.


  1. Dairy goat Farming
  2. Biogas Digestion
  3. Value Addition
  4. Simplicity In Farming

The farm has three breeds of goats namely Alpine, Toggenbergs and Saanens.

Shamba dairies is among the few farms in Kenya that completes the entire value chain, It has a small yoghurt processing unit fully dedicated to goats’ milk yoghurt production.

Feeding, which they mostly grow on the farm includes proteins such as desmodium, lucerne, calliandra, green leaves, which is constantly in their cages.

This tour and training offers those with an interest and new entrants to goat farming an opportunity to learn the success behind Shamba Dairies.

Here is feature of Shamba Dairies by Kilimo na Biashara of K24 TV

The event is organized by OxfarmAg

We are dedicated in promoting agri-tourism in Kenya, showcasing the success of this modern farms that started from a humble background.

Contact us for clarification details and bookings.

Charges are inclusive of breakfast, lunch, training, writing materials

  • Ksh 3500 With our transport from Nairobi to the farm
  • Ksh 3000 Own transport to the farm

Payment Details


  • Business Name – OxfarmAg Ltd
  • Paybill- 340892
  • Account – Client Name


  • Account Name:- OXFARMAG LTD
  • Account No:- 1150275571237
  • Account currency:- KES
  • Swift Code:- EQBLKENAXXX

Contact Duncan Mwangi
0710588060 / 0740000044 Or WhatsApp this link HERE

Photos of the shamba dairies Farm