Does playing “Music for plants” accelerate Growth?

Does playing “Music for plants” accelerate Growth?

In the recent past we have heard that playing music help them grow faster. The question we ask rather is, can plants hear sounds? Do plants love music? Experts have expressed several concerns and output on their research regarding this topic.

Can Playing Music Accelerate Plant Growth?

Well, many studies have shown that playing music for plants really does promote faster and healthier growth. An Indian botanist in 1962, conducted several tests on music and plant growth. His conclusion was that certain plants grew 20 percent in height when exposed to music, with a significantly greater growth in biomass. In his findings, he found similar results for agricultural crops such as peanuts, rice and tobacco when played music through speakers placed around the field. Another researcher, a Colorado greenhouse owner experimented with different types of plants and various genres of music. She found that plants under rock music deteriorated quickly and died within a few weeks, while plants thrived when exposed to classical music.

Another one in Illinois was unconvinced that plants respond positively to music and hence engaged in a number of highly controlled greenhouse experiments. Amazingly, he discovered that corn and soy plants exposed to music were greener and thicker with suggestively larger yield. A group of researchers from Canadian university discovered that harvest yield of wheat crops nearly doubled when exposed to high frequency vibrations.

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How does playing Music for plants affect Growth?

Research has found that it isn’t so much about the ‘sounds’ of the music, but more to do with the vibrations created by the sound waves. The vibrations, in simple terms produce movement in the plant cells, stimulating the plant to produce more nutrients. If the plants fail to respond to rock music, it is not because they “hate” rock and “like” classical better. However, it is because the vibrations produced by hard loud rock music create greater pressure that is not conducive to plant growth.

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Music vs Care

University of California researchers are however not so quick to jump into conclusions about the effects of music on plant growth. They argue that so far there is no conclusive scientific evidence proving that playing music for plants helps them grow, and more research need to be conducted to verify such claims. They feel that more scientific experiments are required with rigorous control over growth factors such as water, light and soil composition.

Remarkably, they suggest that plants that are exposed to music may thrive well because they are given top-level care and special attention.