Quality hass avocado seedlings and best packages

Quality hass avocado seedlings and best packages

Quality hass avocado seedlings and best packages

Its yet another rainy season. Farmers all over Kenya are preparing their land for the coming short rain season. The question we are asking is, are you still going to grow maize and beans or have you thought of another better plant to grow? Hass avocado among other tree fruits has been picking up well in both domestic and export market. There a few Kenyans who will discourage others by telling them how avocado will be out of market and how it takes long to mature.

That is not true, avocado and especially hass avocado is always in demand in oversees country, more specifically in the European countries. Hass avocado is generally liked because;

  • It has a longer shelf life compared to the other varieties
  • Matures faster
  • Can produce more than 1000 fruits from a single tree
  • Its sweater and has a lot of fats
  • Has many health benefits

If you put all the above reasons into consideration, then you will realize that hass avocado farming is here to stay. We all know Africa is best in fruit farming because its strategically located at the equator and its warm enough. Not every country can grow avocados, countries in Europe experience very cold seasons and extreme hot seasons making unsuitable for farming.

It’s not just growing avocados, its growing them in the best way possible. Do your research, invest wisely and we assure you, you won’t regret.

Earn more than 10 million per acre with 40k investment.

Inter-cropping Hass Avocado with Vegetables

You can inter-crop hass avocado trees with fast-maturing crops such as legumes, beans and vegetables. The beans fix nitrogen in the soil, thus, making it rich for the avocados besides helping to utilize the farm to the maximum.

We highly discourage inter-cropping with crops that grow into trees because they will have deep-roots which will compete with those of avocados.

For the best seedlings contact us here and we will get back to you. Our seedbeds are located in Nyeri and Embu and we also have a demo farm coming soon in Nairobi (ridge-ways).

Check out our services and packages here.