Ways To Propagate, Transplant, Manage And Harvest Moringa

Ways To Propagate, Transplant, Manage And Harvest Moringa

Moringa is a money making tree, in our post we will tell you more on how to propagate and grow Moringa.

Propagation Through Seeds;

  • Fill in seedlings bags with light soil mixture.
  • Plant two or three seeds in each bag. (The seeds should have been soaked overnight.)
  • Keep moist but not too wet. Germination will occur within two weeks.
  • Remove extra seedlings, leaving one in the bag.

Seedlings can be transplanted after four to six months when they reach  2-3ft tall.


  • Dig the hole 1ft wide and 1 ft depth.
  • Mix compost or manure with the top soil and fill back the hole with the mixture. Manure should be 1 or 2 shovelfuls.
  • Make a hole in the pit to accept all soil in the bag. Keep the soil around the seedling intact.
  • Water lightly for the first few days.

NB; SPACING OF Moringa depends on the intended purpose of production.

For seed production 2m by 2m; 1000 trees an acre, and 1m by 1m; 4000 trees an acre, for leaf production.

Management of Moringa

Moringa tree grows quickly and so must be pruned aggressively to encourage lateral growth and increased production.

  • When the tree is at 1m cut to height of 0.5m.
  • When the tree is at 1.5m cut to height of 1m.
  • When the tree is at 2m cut to height of 1.5.
  • When the tree is at 2.5m cut to a height of 2m.


-Flowers will appear around 4-9 months.

-Seed pods will mature in around 12 months.

-When harvesting leaves or seed pods prune trees to a height of 2 meters.

-leaves can be harvested once the plant reaches a height of 1.5metres.

-Harvesting rows at different times will ensure there will be always leaves ready to harvest as they are needed.

-During the rainy season harvest of leaves can be done in a week time but during the dry spell you can harvest after two weeks.

Seeds fetch 250ksh per kg while a kg of moringa leaf powder fetches at 300ksh

Photos of Moringa leaf powder and Moringa seeds.